Stuffcool has launched the PB9063W power bank in India, priced at Rs. 3,999. The magnetic power bank uses a latching system compatible with Apple’s MagSafe technology, along with the popular Qi wireless charging standard.
Stuffcool PB9063W 5,000mAh magnetic wireless power bank has been launched in India, priced at Rs. 3,999. The new power bank is designed to primarily be used with Apple products with support for the company’s magnetic MagSafe and Apple Watch standards, including many iPhone, AirPods, and Watch models, thanks to a built-in Apple Watch charging module. Other products which support wireless charging can also benefit from the Stuffcool PB9063W power bank, which supports the popular Qi wireless charging standard, and there are options for wired charging as well.
The newly launched Stuffcool PB9063W 5,000mAh power bank is priced at Rs.
United States
USA — IT Stuffcool 5,000mAh Magnetic Wireless Power Bank for Apple Devices Launched