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15 Tips For Keeping Clients When You're Rebranding Or Merging


Paint the picture of how your future state will serve them even better than you do today.
When a business undergoes a major redevelopment such as rebranding or a merger, it can be a challenging time to maintain customer loyalty. During these times, companies risk losing their existing customers who may feel uncertain about the changes taking place.
It is essential for businesses to take proactive measures to retain their loyal customers during these transitional phases. Below, 15 Forbes Business Development Council members share effective strategies that businesses can adopt to convince their current customers to remain loyal during a major redevelopment.1. Be Transparent
Be transparent with clients right away. Don’t let them find out about the major change on social media. Explain what’s happening, the “why,” and how the change is going to help their business. Customers will appreciate your candor. Bring them up to speed as soon as you can and help them understand how this will impact your continued relationship. – Mike Meisenheimer, Alexander Group2. Maintain Your Ethics
Loyalty is an outcome of ethics. It is the constant in the equation. In situations of change, however micro or macro, the one thing that should remain constant is ethics. It’s this central point around which work, timelines, results and everything else revolves. In times of change—like a merger or rebrand—just maintain a stance on your ethics and communicate that effectively in words and actions. – Gaurav Sarien, StatusNeo3. Consider Your Business Touchpoints
Communication is essential, but it needs to be paired with touchpoints. The first departments to become casualties are generally sales, marketing and customer service. These are the contact points for your clients and the mouthpiece of your business. Thought needs to be given to where clients are regularly going for information and a transition plan should factor these touch points accordingly. – Peter Schravemade, REACH ASEA4. Develop New Messaging
When rebranding or merging with another company, it’s essential that your sales and marketing teams can quickly learn and deliver new messaging and unique differentiators to the marketplace. Equipping everyone with a central repository of up-to-date collateral, brand messaging and go-to-market strategies helps teams have the confidence and competence to represent the value of your organization.

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