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Toxic Femininity, Jonah Hill, and a Dying Culture


What Jonah Hill’s story says about society has some pretty profound, not-good implications, and it’s important regardless of the target.
I’m not a huge fan of the actor Jonah Hill. I thought he was quite good in The Wolf of Wall Street, and I thought he was excellent in Moneyball. But many of his roles seem to be of a type — the fat, somewhat entertaining loser whose attempts at doing something positive fail pathetically, until maybe, depending on the movie, he’ll find some sense of redemption. Hill plays that type pretty well, I guess, but everything I’ve read and heard about him suggests he’s suffered as a member of that archetype.
And yet, despite it, Jonah Hill is a multimillionaire actor with dozens of film credits under his belt, and he’s proven as a box office attraction. It’s very fair to say that Hill has built a very creditable career for himself, and he’s justifiably in high demand where the sexual marketplace is concerned. He’s lost weight and he’s not morbidly obese, and between his career success and his celebrity, it’s fair to call him a high-value man.
And recently, Hill and his girlfriend just celebrated the birth of their first child. He ought to be enjoying an important moment in his life: He’s now a father.
Instead he’s been publicly destroyed because Sarah Brady, a surfing instructor whom Hill dated in 2021 and 2022, dropped a series of screenshots of texts between them onto Instagram just after the word hit of the birth of his child. The text messages, which were private conversations between the two of them, were released with very little context or backstory attached, and in the aftermath Jonah Hill is now being portrayed as “controlling” and “abusive.”More Than a Woman Scorned
Brady claimed she held off on her assault on Hill’s character until after the child was born because she didn’t want to cause the girlfriend any undue stress while she was pregnant — but now, she needs to know who she’s with so she can make good decisions about her and her baby’s future.
It’s a classic case of “woman scorned,” but there’s more to it than that.
Here’s the text message that has been most discussed:
Plain and simple :
If you need :
-Surfing with men
-Boundaryless inappropriate relationships with men
– to model
– to post pictures of yourself in a bathing suit
– to post sexual pictures
-friendships with women who are in unstable places and from your wild recent past beyond getting a lunch or coffee or something respectful
I am not the right partner for you . If these things bring you to a place of happiness I support it and there will be no hard feelings. These are my boundaries for a romantic partnership.
My boundaries With you based on the ways these actions have hurt our trust .
Women say there are no good men. The truth is there are plenty of good men but many women don’t want to rise to the level of being good women.
Basic respect for yourself and your partner isn’t a tall ask.
Again, there is nothing wrong with Jonah Hill’s leaked text messages. https://t.co/bYRmQmtOLC pic.twitter.com/sBIlgLLOwA
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) July 8, 2023
This is a message from Hill to Brady, and it’s fairly apparent that it comes toward the end of their relationship.

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