Home United States USA — Financial Poll: Confidence in US Military at Lowest Point in 25 Years

Poll: Confidence in US Military at Lowest Point in 25 Years


Americans’ confidence in the military has plunged to the lowest point since 1997, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.
Just 60 percent of Americans have confidence in the military, the lowest number in 25 years, the poll found. The decline occurred across political lines, with Republicans’ confidence plummeting by more than 20 points over the last three years. Democrats’ confidence decreased by 6 points over the last year, while independents’ military confidence saw a sharp drop of 13 points since 2020.
The poll comes just months after an expert panel of military veterans warned Congress that the Biden administration’s focus on “woke” measures is causing a “once-in-a-generation military recruitment crisis,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

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