Home United States USA — Sport Iran Says They Can Use the Cash For Hostages Gifted

Iran Says They Can Use the Cash For Hostages Gifted


The money is supposed to be managed by Qatar. According to the agreement announced yesterday, Qatar will play referee and decide whether Iran is using
Iran has apparently agreed to release five American hostages from prison in return for releasing several Iranians in American prisons and $6 billion in cash.
The Americans are not being released from custody — only from prison. We’re going to have to wait for the other shoe to drop to find out what else Iran is demanding besides the $6 billion in greenbacks before our citizens can come home. But at least the five Americans have been transferred from Evin Prison to a hotel in Tehran.
As bad as an Iranian Marriott might be, it’s got to be better than that hellhole of a prison.
Predictably, the Iranians have an entirely different take on part of the agreement–specifically, the cash. I’m not sure if it’s because Iran sees itself as holier than the U.S. or what, but any agreement we’ve made with them has always been open to what their interpretation of the agreement will be.
A good example was the nuclear agreement signed by the Obama administration in 2015. Obama made a big show of delivering a nationally televised address telling the American people all the wonderful things in the deal.
Except Iran had an entirely different take on many of the issues that we believed we had negotiated.

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