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Starfield ‘First Contact’ quest walkthrough


“First Contact” is a Starfield side quest that forces you to make a tough choice: Should you side with Paradiso or the ECS Constant? We break down the outcomes.
There’s never a dull moment in Starfield. But few side quests have the same gravitational pull as “First Contact,” a narratively taut mission that forces you to make some difficult decisions.
As noted in our list of the best side quests in Starfield, “First Contact” can be tackled early, as it doesn’t involve direct combat and its location (the Porrima system) isn’t very far from your Alpha Centauri stomping grounds. Instead, you’ll mostly act as a mediator between two opposing groups. Don’t worry, though. As a quest that’s more than 200 years in the making, “First Contact” is more interesting than it initially sounds.
Our Starfield “First Contact” guide walks through all of the quest steps for “First Contact,” explains the ramifications of each choice, and, of course, details the rewards you get based on what you choose.How to find Porrima and the ‘First Contact’ side quest in Starfield
“First Contact” can be found in the Porrima system. The easiest way to get there (if you’re starting from Jemison) is to chart a trip from Alpha Centauri to Olympus. From there hop over to Volii and then finally to Porrima.
As soon as you warp in, you’ll be greeted with a message from a security officer named Jiro Sugiyama, stationed on the planet Porrima II. He’ll ask for your help in dealing with a strange ship currently floating right in front of you. This will unlock the “First Contact” side quest and start you on the path of diplomacy.Chat with Jiro Sugiyama
Head down to the planet and talk with Sugiyama. He’s located in a small security station in front of the Paradiso resort. Once there, Sugiyama will explain that this strange ship just appeared out of nowhere and that he doesn’t know if the folks currently floating around Porrima II’s atmosphere are friendly or not; all efforts to communicate with those on board the ship has failed. Eventually, he’ll ask if you could try speaking with its crew, with an emphasis placed on peaceful measures over combat.Board the ECS Constant
Leave Sugiyama’s office and head back into space. Once there, try communicating with the ship. You’ll notice that any attempt at hailing the crew won’t work — you’ll get feedback over the coms no matter what option you choose. To learn what’s going on, you’ll need to dock and board the ship.
Once inside, you’ll be met by a group of people led by Captain Diana Brackenridge. She’ll explain that the ship, named the ECS Constant, has been traveling through space for 200 years.
See, the ECS Constant’s original crew fled Earth to avoid some catastrophe with the hope that their descendants, the current crew, would eventually make it to Porrima II. But because they didn’t have access to light speed travel — the means of which hadn’t been invented yet — they ended up taking the scenic route.Start Negotiations
Porrima II is a big planet. Unfortunately, neither the folks stuck on the ECS Constant nor the corporate entities that own Paradiso (and, essentially, the entire planet) want to share it. That’s why you’re there to mediate the situation.
After speaking with Captain Brackenridge and agreeing to speak on her behalf, head back down to Porrima II. Go directly to the resort and speak with Paradiso Group CEO Oliver Campbell.

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