Home United States USA — Events Four Important Election Day Wins the Media Doesn't Want You to Know...

Four Important Election Day Wins the Media Doesn't Want You to Know About, The Last Will Make You Cheer


We woke up to two different news opinions today. One was of doom and gloom. The other involved victory laps taken by Pravda press quislings who foolishly believe — or want you to believe — that Tuesday was a harbinger for the 2024 election. Some dolts went so far as to blame Trump for Republican losses.
What most of the mainstream media toadies “forgot” to mention was a number of victories that tell a different story.
Here is a list of Ws for Team America and what they mean for the foreseeable future.
Battleground: Carmel, Ind.
Republican Sue Finkam walloped her Democratic opponent and fellow city councilperson (I don’t want to assume gender), Miles Nelson, to become the new mayor of Carmel, Ind., by a vote of 56.6% to 42.2%.
Why haven’t you heard about this? Because it’s a beesting in the nostril for the Stalinistas in the far-left news world. Finkam’s voters refused to be baited into believing she is a Nazi.
The Indiana chapter of “Moms for Liberty” used a Hitler quote to rally their troops, but not in the way the pinkos tried to trick people into believing they meant it.
“He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,” the group stated in a newsletter. Moms for Liberty didn’t use it as a rallying cry but as a warning, yet the harpies in the duplicitous news world tried to turn Moms for Liberty into Nazi sympathizers. It didn’t work. When the news harridans pressed Finkam to denounce Moms for Liberty, she refused to take the bait.
Today, liberal kvetchers are screaming that Finkam won, with headlines like the AP’s “Candidate who wouldn’t denounce Moms for Liberty chapter after Hitler quote wins Indiana mayor race.”
FACT-O-RAMA! Liberal jackpuddings who tried to paint Moms for Liberty as “Nazis” are now siding with Democrats who support Hamas after their savage attack on Israel.
Finkam’s victory isn’t just a gain for the people of Carmel, it’s a punch in the nose to Mao-Mao bootlicking journos who can’t stand to see a Republican just say no to apparatchik propaganda.

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