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Enviros Wear Dinosaur Outfits At Tillerson Confirmation Hearing Protests


NewsHubAnti-fossil fuel activists lined up outside confirmation hearings for President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state nominee wearing campy dinosaur costumes and protesting against Exxon Mobil.
Demonstrators associated with environmentalists group 350.org gathered in Washington, D. C, Wednesday to protest Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson’s appearance in front of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
“Hey, hey, ho, Rex Tillerson has got to go,” the protesters shouted as the hearings began. The Tyrannosaurus Rex outfits were a play on the secretary of state nominee’s initials.
Protests against the oil man have ratcheted up recently as Democrats voice concern about Tillerson’s relationship with Russia — and anti-fossil fuel activists, for their part, believe Exxon was part of a decades-long campaign to hide climate research on climate change.
Our foreign policy & future can’t be in the hands of a Big Oil exec. like Rex Tillerson. We’re at the Senate urging Senators to #RejectRex pic.twitter.com/rhC55VCkDy
— 350 dot org (@350) January 11, 2017
Campaigns against Exxon began last year when environmentalist media outlet Inside Climate News (ICN) reported about Exxon’s research. ICN, widely considered a environmentalist public relations firm , also alleges that Amoco, Phillips, Texaco, Shell, and others joined Exxon in misleading the public about the supposed effects global warming has on sea levels.
Th anti-Exxon protests have stumbled recently as anti-Exxon demonstrators pushed to link every weather disaster to Exxon. They associated mud slides in California to the oil company’s actions; Exxon was responsible for hurricane-related flooding in far gone parts of the world, according to these protesters.
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