Although the latest procedure at Fukushima involving the Scorpion robot has been called a “failure,” the mission retrieved useful information.
By Richard Wilcox, PhD
The location of the melted fuel (corium) at the Fukushima nuclear power station #1, in reactors 1, 2 and 3, is historic because of the massive radioactivity of the material. Depending on its location it will emit deadly radiation into the environment for a long, long time to come.
A few days ago I commented on the high radiation reading (530 sieverts per hour) inside the unit 2 reactor that was discovered by engineers. This reading was not “new” in the sense that the radiation is increasing, indicating that Godzilla is emerging from underground hibernation, but that the radiation was “discovered” for the first time by engineers.
This is not rocket science folks, but I guess people prefer scary “end of the world” scenarios rather than studying bland engineering procedures.
Just because you don’t know what is in that hotdog or sausage that tastes so good at a summer barbeque (pigs hooves, gristle, rat pellets, etc.,) does not mean it’s not in there, it just means you either don’t, can’t or choose not to know.
In the case of Fukushima it is a step by step process of sending the latest high tech robots on suicide missions down into the radioactive pits of Hell in order to gather forensic evidence that will hopefully lead to an understanding and solution to the missing melted fuel (corium) crisis.