Home United States USA — mix The U. S. Marine Corps is investigating a nude photos big scandal

The U. S. Marine Corps is investigating a nude photos big scandal


A Marine Corps spokesman at the Pentagon confirmed Saturday that an investigation is underway involving unspecified number of military personnel and
A Marine Corps spokesman at the Pentagon confirmed Saturday that an investigation is underway involving unspecified number of military personnel and veterans who allegedly distributed nude photos of female colleagues and other women as part of a perverse social media network that promotes sexual violence.
Potentially hundreds of Marines may be caught up in the scandal. The community group at Facebook targeted by the published nude images has nearly 30,000 members, mostly comprising active-duty U. S. Marines, Marine Corps veterans and British Royal Marines. “I expect every Marine to demonstrate the highest integrity and loyalty to fellow Marines at all times, on duty, off-duty and online,” The Marines’ top general, Commandant Robert Neller, said in a statement.
The initial report was authored by Thomas Brennan, an Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran and Purple Heart recipient who founded The War Horse in 2016. After, he received threats against him and his family. “It has been suggested that my wife should be raped as a result of this, and people are openly suggesting I should be killed. … Can you imagine being one of the victims? ” Brennan declared. Marine Corps officials are encouraging victims to report suspected crimes via NCIS. If the allegations will be proved true, criminal charges will apply.

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