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Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn’t ‘think’ Donald Trump accepts James Comey’s denial on wiretap


White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday she doesn’t think President Trump accepts FBI Director James B. Comey’s reported denial of Mr. Trump’s charge that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps on phones in Trump Tower during last year’s campaign.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday she doesn’t think President Trump accepts FBI Director James B. Comey’s reported denial of Mr. Trump ’s charge that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps on phones in Trump Tower during last year’s campaign.
“You know, I don’t think he does,” Ms. Huckabee Sanders said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
“I think he firmly believes that this is a storyline that has been reported pretty widely by quite a few outlets,” she said, saying wiretapping has been discussed in The New York Times, the BBC and Fox News.
Mr. Comey asked the Justice Department on Saturday to publicly reject Mr. Trump ’s claims that Mr. Obama ordered wiretaps on phones in Trump Tower during last year’s campaign, The New York Times reported.
Representatives for the FBI and the DOJ declined to comment to the paper.
Ms. Huckabee Sanders said she didn’t know if Mr. Trump has talked with Mr. Comey since he made the accusation and asked if the claims were true.
“I don’t know that he has gotten a firm denial from the FBI,” she said.
“The president wants the truth to come out to the American people, and he is asking that it be done through the House intelligence committee and that be the process that we go through,” Ms. Huckabee Sanders said.
A spokesman for the former president has denied the charge, saying neither he nor his White House ever ordered surveillance on any U. S. citizen.
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