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Man Flees Terror Attack With Beer In Hand Becomes Symbol


One man has emerged as an unlikely symbol of strength and resilience in the wake of the latest London terror attacks.
One man has emerged as an unlikely symbol of strength and resilience in the wake of the latest London terror attacks.
Three armed men carried out a deadly terrorist attack in London Saturday, smashing a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and stabbing civilians in the nearby Borough Market. As fear and panic spread, many people stepped up to offer shelter and assistance to those in need, yet a man fleeing the scene of the attack with his beer in hand is becoming a symbol of London’s spirit.
The perceived message is that terrorism will not stop the British from enjoying a pint, signaling the country’s defiance.
Why ISIS will never win. Attack just taken place but fella on right refuses to spill his pint.
Nazis, IRA tried. Didn’ t win. #London pic.twitter.com/kwRlgNVM4Q
— Pearly Queen (@londonlass666) June 4,2017
Some observers noted that it was the right move given the high prices of beer.
This man paid London prices for a pint. He was not going to let the #LondonAttacks stop him from enjoying it.
We salute you pic.twitter.com/cDgVnXFAT8
— Darren Hardie (@DarrenHardie) June 4,2017
Some were troubled by the fact that people were making jokes so soon after a terror attack, which killed four and injured nearly fifty other people, but others found humor in such a dark time refreshing.
People are hating on this bloke but after the scare he’s had he’ ll bloody need that beer!
— Jennifer Kirby (@Jenni__Mari) June 3,2017
Nobody is ignoring the spilt blood but humour gives us the strength to fight for those who were hurt and killed. It’s just how we do it here
— Sarah Hallahan (@SarahHallahan1) June 4,2017
After striking pedestrians on the bridge, the attackers went from bar to bar in Borough Market, stabbing people with foot-long hunting knives. Eyewitnesses claim that people in the bar fought back, throwing pint glasses and chairs.
On the bridge, one police officer was injured after facing down an armed terrorist with nothing more than a baton. The chief constable said he demonstrated “enormous courage.”
Authorities shot and killed the three attackers, and police have arrested a dozen suspects in the case.
While the attack has been declared a terrorist attack, it is still unclear which group perpetrated the attack, as no group has yet claimed responsibility.
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