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Cotton's Opening Question To Sessions


Tom Cotton called into question the narrative that Jeff Sessions colluded with Russian officials to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.
GOP Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas called into question the narrative that Attorney General Jeff Sessions colluded with Russian officials to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by pointing out that such a report would be too unbelievable to even include in fictional spy movies.
“Do you like Jason Bourne or James Bond movies?” Cotton asked Sessions during the Senate hearing Tuesday. “Have you ever in any of these fantastical situations heard of a plot line so ridiculous that a sitting United States senator and ambassador of a foreign government colluded at an open setting with hundreds of other people to pull off the greatest caper in the history of espionage?”
Sessions responded by thanking Cotton for asking the question. He described the current narrative as “through the looking glass, ” referencing the fictional looking glass that Alice climbs through to enter a new fantastical world in Lewis Carroll’s novel “Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.”
“I explained how in good faith I said I had not met with Russians because they were suggestions I as a surrogate had been meeting continuously with Russians, ” Sessions said. “I said I didn’ t meet with them. Now, the next thing you know, I’ m accused of some reception, plotting some sort of influence campaign for the American election. It’s just beyond my capability to understand.”
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