Home GRASP GRASP/Japan Koike ally seeks to loosen ruling party’s grip on national politics

Koike ally seeks to loosen ruling party’s grip on national politics


A close ally of Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike who helped an upstart group crush the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo’s local elections two months ag
A close ally of Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike who helped an upstart group crush the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo’s local elections two months ago is setting up a political organization to attempt a similar feat at the national level.
Masaru Wakasa is sifting through hundreds of applications from around the country for entry to a “political school, ” with a view to having some run for the Diet under a party he will establish by December, the lawmaker and former LDP member said in an interview.
Abe has faced little coherent opposition since he took office in 2012, even though his popularity has waned amid a series of scandals ahead of elections due by December next year. The main opposition Democratic Party, mired by in-house bickering, has failed to generate any bump in public support even after it chose a new leader last week.
“A lot of people have been supporting the LDP in a negative way, ” Wakasa, 60, said at his office this week. “It’s not that they actually think the LDP is good, but just that there’s no alternative.”
The first lecture for the 200 or so successful applicants to Wakasa’s “Nippon First” school will be given by Koike, who defeated Abe’s candidate in a leadership contest last year and went on to form Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites First) , a new party that she led to victory in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election in July.

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