Home GRASP/Korea Nikki Haley’s threats to North Korea are counterproductive

Nikki Haley’s threats to North Korea are counterproductive


Nikki Haley, the U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, was quoted in the Sept. 12 news article “U. N. agrees to toughest-ever sanctions against N. Korea” as proclaiming, “If North Korea does not hal…
Nikki Haley, the U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, was quoted in the Sept. 12 news article “ U. N. agrees to toughest-ever sanctions against N. Korea ” as proclaiming, “If North Korea does not halt its nuclear program, we will act to stop it ourselves.” Really? How?
Assuredly, there’s near-unanimous agreement that a North Korean nuclear arsenal is a dismal prospect. But stopping North Korea’s program, or achieving outright denuclearization, isn’ t in the cards. Gambits such as ever-tighter sanctions, entreaties to China, throttling the technology spigot and threats of “ fire and fury ” have languished.

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