Home GRASP/Korea Rex Tillerson Suggests President Trump Was Lying In Tweets On North Korea

Rex Tillerson Suggests President Trump Was Lying In Tweets On North Korea


He’s still not denying calling him a ‘moron’.
The US Secretary of State has said Donald Trump has instructed him to continue diplomatic efforts to calm rising tensions with North Korea, directly contradicting the President’s own words.
Speaking on CNN’s “ State of the Union,” Tillerson downplayed messages the President had previously posted on Twitter earlier this month.
He “has made it clear to me to continue my diplomatic efforts,” Tillerson said, adding “those diplomatic efforts will continue until the first bomb drops”.
Trump has been bombastic when tweeting about North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-Un, even threatening their destruction.
The relationship between Trump and Tillerson has been strained in recent days amidst reports the Secretary of State called his boss a “moron” .

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