Home United States USA — IT Pizza Hut has been oozing customer card details like they were hot...

Pizza Hut has been oozing customer card details like they were hot cheese


Pizza Hut has been oozing customer card details like they were hot cheese
PIZZA HUT EATERS have been shocked to find that they may have been buying pizzas for someone else after it emerged that the dough from dough company has leaked payment card details.
Yes, the firm that invests in new material for pizza delivery and releases a coat with a pizza proof pocket cannot quite manage to keep payment details on the right side of the cash register.
Most of the information about this is coming out of local news sites in the US. We like this one from Kentucky because it makes us think of chicken and seems apposite in the circumstances.
It says that Pizza Hut confirmed to hacked punters what they already knew in a number of responses on social media channels.
Pizza Hut reported that it had only been briefly molested in early October, however as we mentioned before this was after the hackers started cashing in their doughcoins.
“The security intrusion at issue impacted a small percentage of our customers and we estimate that less than one percent of the visits to our website over the course of the relevant week were affected,” says the note sent to affected pizza eaters. “That said, we regret to say that we believe your information is among that impacted group.”
The “temporary security intrusion” lasted for about 28 hours. Reports have it that names, billing ZIP codes, delivery addresses, email addresses and payment card information, like account number, expiration date and CVV number — were compromised. Slashdot reported on a 60,000 impacted customer figure.
We wonder if that is too many people to send Pizza Parkers to. Or perhaps that would be a bad idea because they are not under the collar enough already, and dare to say it; swearing to never eat a Pizza Hut again. µ

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