Home United States USA — Events Roy Moore Spox Drops CNN Host's Jaw by Congratulating Her for Not...

Roy Moore Spox Drops CNN Host's Jaw by Congratulating Her for Not Killing Her Unborn Child


Let’s leave my child out of this…
When you’re the spokeswoman for a candidate who is as controversial as Roy Moore, the appropriate way to behave when granted TV time is to be gracious.
That sentiment was completely lost on Jane Porter when she was about to be interviewed Tuesday by Poppy Harlow on CNN. Harlow had barely thanked Porter for appearing on the segment before Porter hijacked the interview and drove that car into a ditch: “Congratulations on your unborn child. That’s the reason why I came down as a volunteer to speak for Moore, because he will stand for the rights of babies like yours in the womb where his opponent will support killing them until the moment of birth.”
Roy Moore Spokesperson Congratulates Host on Unborn Child Who She Says Moore’s Opponent Wants to Kill. pic.twitter.com/galyFQWLs2
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) December 5,2017
You wouldn’t know that what Porter said even registered in Harlow’s mind, except that she thanked her for the congratulations and began what was supposed to be a normal interview.
But Moore’s spokeswoman just couldn’t behave. We’ve seen multiple instances in the past week of the children of public figures being dragged into political debates. That type of behavior just shouldn’t happen, and it’s widely criticized on both sides of the political aisle.
Porter couldn’t help but use Harlow’s unborn child as an example of the evil that awaited it if Doug Jones had his way.
And here’s what happened when the Moore spokeswoman tried to bring up @PoppyHarlowCNN ’s unborn son again. Shut down. https://t.co/XXb39ExlG5 pic.twitter.com/7WEfjn1Vc4
— Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) December 5,2017
“…for the rights of babies, like your 8 month baby you’re carrying now. Doug Jones says you can take the life of that baby, and we should pay for it…”
“Let’s leave my child out of this… Let’s leave my child out of this.”
To which Porter effortlessly pivots with, “It’s actually the children of Alabama we’re talking about.”
When Porter was asked why Moore hadn’t been on CNN to defend himself, she replied:
“He has the right to stand with the people of Alabama and not be subjected to more and more harassment against people that are out to get him, because there’s a Senate seat in play… ”
God bless Harlow for staying composed in the face of someone that wanted to use her child as a political football.

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