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Federal tax law could mean Iowa taxpayers pay more to the state — unless lawmakers act


Lawmakers, who return to the Capitol Jan. 8, say they’re determined to pass legislation so more of that money stays in Iowans’ pockets.
Iowa taxpayers are estimated to save a collective $1.5 billion in tax year 2018 following changes to the federal tax code, but Iowa Department of Revenue officials said Friday their state tax bills could rise as a result.
Lawmakers, who return to the Capitol on Jan. 8 to gavel in the 2018 legislative session, say they’re determined to pass legislation so more of that money stays in Iowans’ pockets.
House Speaker Linda Upmeyer, R-Clear Lake, called the influx of cash to the state — an estimated $138 million during the 2020 budget year — an “artificial windfall.”
“We’re not going to view that as an opportunity to grow government and spend that money,” she said at a legislative forum hosted by the Associated Press on Thursday. “We need to make sure that we’re having people keep that money in their pockets and it stays with them.”
The changes are the result of a provision in Iowa’s tax code known as “federal deductibility,” which allows Iowa taxpayers to deduct what they paid in federal income taxes from their state tax liability.
That creates an inverse relationship with federal taxes. When federal taxes decrease, Iowans make smaller deductions from their state income tax burden, and the amount they owe in state taxes goes up.
President Donald Trump in December signed into law a major tax cut, which state officials estimate will reduce Iowans’ federal tax burden by about $1.5 billion during the 2018 tax year.
They also estimate Iowans will pay more state income taxes, beginning with about $16 million during the 2018 budget year. That is estimated to rise to $106 million the next year and again to $138 million in the 2020 budget year.
Department of Revenue officials, who unveiled their estimates during a special meeting of the state’s revenue estimating body Friday, stressed that their analysis is preliminary and does not include the effects of federal corporate tax reform, nor does it fully account for the ways taxpayers may change their behavior as a result of new incentives in the law.
State lawmakers already are closely watching those numbers as Iowa grapples with continued revenue shortfalls. Upmeyer has said she expects the first thing legislators will need to tackle when they return to the Capitol is a round of spending cuts to the current year’s budget.
Though the new revenue could ease those shortfalls, Republicans are adamant that they find a way to neutralize what they see as an unfair tax increase.
Chairman of the House tax-writing Ways and Means Committee Rep. Guy Vander Linden, R-Oskaloosa, said his committee is going to use the information to help shape its approach to tax reform — an issue Republicans have identified as one of their top priorities this year.
“We are going to sit down and talk with other members of the committee, probably to the governor’s office, probably to the Senate, and try to come to a consensus about where do we think we are,” he said. “But again, this is very, very preliminary, so I don’t want to bet the ranch on these numbers, that’s for sure.”
Some, including a number of pro-business groups, have advocated for doing away with federal deductibility in Iowa as part of broader tax reform.
They say business groups considering relocating to Iowa are scared away by the state’s corporate tax rate, which is the highest in the nation. What they don’t see right away, they argue, is Iowa’s effective tax rate, which is much lower because of federal deductibility.
Others have floated the possibility of tweaking the sales tax so that it captures more taxes generated through online sales, as well as simplifying the tax code, reviewing credits and exemptions, and lowering rates for both businesses and individuals.
Democrats have said they will work with their Republican counterparts on tax reform, though they’ve said they’ll push to ensure potential changes do not disproportionately benefit businesses.
“Democrats will not support a tax plan that simply mirrors the new federal law and rewards corporations and the wealthy at the expense of Iowa families,” Rep. Dave Jacoby, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a statement.
He said Democrats believe tax changes should keep the state budget balanced, be fair and simple for all Iowans and provide relief for the middle class.

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