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Treasury Sec. Mnuchin says Trump will demand N. Korea denuclearize


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that President Donald Trump will demand North Korea denuclearize during a proposed meeting in the coming months.
WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that President Donald Trump will demand North Korea denuclearize during a meeting with leader Kim Jung Un that is anticipated to take place in the coming months.
“Absolutely, we’ve been very clear on it,” Mnuchin said in an exclusive interview with “Meet the Press” when asked if denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is still U. S. policy. “That’s the objective and that’s what we’re going to accomplish.”
Trump’s surprise announcement Thursday that he would be willing to meet with Kim has been met with skepticism from those worried that Kim has little interest in sticking to any agreement following the high-profile summit. The proposed talks, which have been a long-held goal of North Korean leaders, come amid heightened tensions between the two nations. Over the past year, Pyongyang has launched multiple missile tests, some over Japan, and has threatened the U. S. territory of Guam.
Earlier on Saturday night, Trump hit the campaign trail for Republican House candidate Rick Saccone and spoke at a rally in Moon, Pennsylvania. In the long, apparently off-the-cuff address, the president widely attacked the media while telling a crowd of supporters to “be very nice” to Kim.

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