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North Korea and the Illegal Attack on Syria


Attacking the Syrian government might very well “send a message” of sorts to North Korea, but even if it did the effect would be to encourage Kim to accelerate the development of their nuclear weapons program.
Marc Thiessen writes a characteristically deranged column about Syria and North Korea:
In short, Thiessen thinks Trump should take unnecessary, illegal military action in Syria to convey to North Korea that his previous threats of unnecessary, illegal military action against them were in earnest. If this “works,” it would heighten tensions with North Korea at the same time that it risks escalation with Russia and Iran. Attacking the Syrian government might very well “send a message” of sorts to North Korea, but even if it did the effect would be to encourage Kim to accelerate the development of their nuclear weapons program. Every time that North Korea sees the U. S. attack another regime with impunity, that gives it new incentive to keep building up its nuclear weapons and missile programs.

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