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As People 'Associated With' Migrant Caravan Enter US, Trump Threatens Gov Shutdown if Wall Isn't Funded


“We need security. We need the wall.”
With a migrant caravan fleeing violence in Central America set to arrive at the United States-Mexican border Sunday afternoon, President Donald Trump renewed his push on Saturday evening for border wall funding this September, even at the expense of shutting down the government.
“We need security. We need the wall,” he said. “We come up again on September 28th, and if we don’t get border security, we’ll have no choice. We’ll close down the country because we need border security.”
Despite the Democrat inspired laws on Sanctuary Cities and the Border being so bad and one sided, I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country. It is a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so naive! WALL
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23,2018
Federal officials have deemed some in the caravan to be immigrants who have entered the U. S. illegally over the past 24 hours, according to the Los Angeles Times .
“If you enter our country illegally, you have broken the law and will be referred for prosecution,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen warned last week . “If you make a false immigration claim, you have broken the law and will be referred for prosecution. If you assist or coach an individual in making a false immigration claim, you have broken the law and will be referred for prosecution.”
Regarding these asylum seekers, Nielsen remarked they should remain in the first country they enter after leaving their home counties.
Jackson Richman is a fellow for IJR Red. He is also an editor for The National Discourse. His bylines have appeared in The Weekly Standard, The Washin… more

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