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Destiny 2: How to Fix the Heroic Strike Playlist Milestone Bug


Destiny 2 has a new bug that is preventing players from completing their Heroic Strike Playlist milestone and collecting completions on the Warmind pursuit.
Destiny 2 players may notice a bug that is not counting Heroic Strike Playlist progression towards their weekly milestone and the Sleeper Simulant pursuit, but Bungie has a fix. The developer acknowledged the bug in a known issues post on its official site, and offers a few solutions that should help players get credit for their completed strikes.
Earlier today, players began reporting a bug where Heroic Strike Playlist completions were not counting towards the weekly milestone (requires 5 completions) or the new Sleeper Simulant pursuit. For this pursuit, players need to complete strikes using one of the new Warmind weapons, however many noted no progress on the pursuit tracking page.
According to Bungie, there are several ways to ensure that players get progress for their Heroic Strike Playlist completions. First, is to make sure that everyone joins the fireteam before selecting the Heroic Strike Playlist, not launching the playlist, SELECTING it.
Alongside that, make sure that no players join the fireteam once the Heroic Strike Playlist has been selected. These players cannot be in the menu before the playlist is selected either; they must be watching the planetary map.
Other warning signs to look for include seeing the name of a strike instead of Heroic Strike Playlist from the Destination launcher. For example, if the menu says The Pyramidion, select the Heroic Strike Playlist again until it appears above the ‘Launch’ button.
Assuming they followed the right steps, players can then do all of the necessary adjusting once the Heroic Strike Playlist has launched. Strike completions should count towards milestones and pursuits and players can grind gear up to the soft power level cap of 340.
No doubt this is a massive inconvenience that are trying to collect all of the new Warmind gear and try to get as prepared for the new Spire of Stars raid lair on Friday. With Bungie’s new approach, the only way to increase one’s power level above the soft cap is to complete Milestones and collect powerful rewards, but even then the sources are limited. Not to mention, time is limited.
Destiny 2: Warmind is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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