Home United States USA — IT Kim Kardashian tweets her anger at tech

Kim Kardashian tweets her anger at tech


Commentary: She’s pained by such failings as autocorrect trying to change your curses.
Will tech companies jump now?
One of the reasons we revere stars is that they articulate what we’re feeling in ways that we wish we could.
It’s how Donald Trump got elected. And it’s how Kim Kardashian stays atop the media landscape like a Yoda of our times.
On Sunday, she turned her attention to tech. Kardashian knows tech. She has more than 50 million Twitter followers. She is a successful video game entrepreneur. And she’s sick and tired of certain basics that tech cannot get right.
“Everything should have an edit button and auto correct shouldn’t be a f***ing idiot! And PS no one ever says ducking… ” she tweeted , in language more colorful than these boring asterisks.

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