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Our daily links: artificial embryos, Dutch v. Nexit, Fillion meltdown, Japan inflation, Sessions recusal, Trump wall $, robots, utopias,
Yves here. Do not ever fly Delta if you have a choice. I have over a million miles on American, meaning I have spent a lot of time on airplanes. Prior to this year, I’ve had a grand total of 5 flights cancelled on me, including one due to the famed Iceland volcano in 2010. I’m now up to a lifetime total of 7 due to two cancellations on my only two round trip flights on Delta this year.
One was the famed January system outage. The one yesterday Delta tried blaming on weather, but I suspect they cancelled it because they deemed the plane (a regional jet which runs LGA to BHM round trip not to be booked enough to bother running all the round trips today, particularly since I was automatically rebooked on a flight through Atlanta not much later, but instead made them rebook me for the same nonstop flight Friday…normally a busy day…and I got the same seat I had, a window way towards the front, when the further forward seats usually fill up first.
Woolly mammoths suffered genetic ‘meltdown’ before extinction Agence France-Presse
Artificial ’embryos’ created in the lab BBC (Chuck L)
Air pollution creates drug‑resistant bugs The Times
Beyond Monsanto’s GMO Cotton: Why Consumers Need to Care What We Wear Organic Consumers (Glenn F)
OECD: Straya at risk of housing “rout” MacroBusiness
Japan returns to inflation for first time since 2015 Financial Times
Eurozone inflation hits 2% for first time in four years Financial Times. However: “The eurozone’s core inflation measure however, which strips out volatile energy and food prices, remained unchanged at 0.

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