Home GRASP GRASP/China Why I’ m Skeptical About Trump’s ‘Warm Rapport’ with China’s President

Why I’ m Skeptical About Trump’s ‘Warm Rapport’ with China’s President


Trump’s past incendiary comments about China won’t be forgotten anytime soon.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Trump reversed several of his campaign promises. For example, he now supports the Ex/Im bank and is considering renominating Janet Yellen as the Federal Reserve Chair. But his remarks about China garnered the most attention.
The turnaround is stark. Going back to the time Trump initially kicked off his presidential ambitions during a speech at CPAC in 2011, he has consistently demonized China, going so far as to tell an Indiana crowd that “We can’ t continue to allow China to rape our country.” In addition to focusing on the trade issue, Trump consistently accused China of being a currency manipulator and promised to label them as such on his first day in office .
Now we are supposed to believe that Trump and the president of China have developed such “warm rapport” that all that is in the past and this supposedly ruthless deal-maker with the attention span of a two year-old was willing to listen to President Xi Jinping for 10 minutes about the history of the relationship between China and Korea — gaining empathy for the limitations of their power.

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