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Trump Calls McMaster Names, Who’s Who At Russia Meeting Revealed, Administration Crumbles [Opinion]


Tomorrow morning’s tweet storm should be epic now that McMaster’s thoughts on Trump sharing classified information with the Russians has been made public, as has the Comey memo on General…
The core of the Trump administration seems to be turning on each other as suspected leaks are causing Trump to resort to name calling, as what he did with Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, while James Comey, who no longer wants to keep Trump’s secrets about the Mike Flynn situation, and others are coming forward. And at the core of all of this seems to be the Russian situation, as well as the secret White House meeting with the Russians officials and the potential secrets that were shared.
The tension seems to be increasing within the Trump administration especially since the firing of James Comey set odd events in motion as well as rumors of other possible terminations. One name that seems to be on the chopping block is Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who mysteriously went missing late last week after he was seen hiding in the bushes, reportedly trying to avoid the press just after the news broke that President Trump had fired James Comey as head of the FBI.
National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster said Tuesday that President Trump’s conversation with Russian diplomats about classified information was “wholly appropriate.” It marked the latest effort by the White House to rebut a bombshell @washingtonpost report that Trump allegedly shared highly classified information with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in an Oval Office meeting last week. McMaster didn’ t dispute that Trump shared information, but called it “wholly appropriate given the purpose of that conversation.” Read @zekejmiller’s report on TIME.com. Video source: CNN #trump #mcmaster
A post shared by TIME (@time) on May 16,2017 at 11: 32am PDT
Trump is reportedly mostly annoyed that McMaster has tried to advise him, as is his role, and keep Trump on topic. But despite this criticism, McMaster has even defended Trump when he shared sensitive material and classified intelligence with the visiting Russian officials. He said that sharing this information with foreign officials was “wholly appropriate.”
“The president in no way undermined sources or methods in the course of this conversation.”
President #DonaldTrump took on the media and #JamesComey in a string of fiery tweets Friday morning.
A post shared by Fox News (@foxnews) on May 12,2017 at 6: 28am PDT
So McMaster isn’ t concerned about what Trump said to his Russian guests, and he should know what Trump said, because he was there when Sergey Lavrov, minister of foreign affairs, and Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U. S. (whom Trump as well as Jared Kushner have met with before at Trump Tower) as well as TASS, the Russian new agency came to visit without any American press in sight. These representatives from the Russian government were joined by Trump, McMaster, Rex Tillerson, and McMaster’s No. 2, Dina Powell.
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But all was said to be fine until pictures from the meeting leaked out, angering the White House, who realized that the only people who could have taken and then leaked the photos was the Russian news agency. The White House official seemed genuinely surprised by this breach of trust.
“They tricked us. That’s the problem with the Russians — they lie.”
Which seems to prove the point that despite what McMaster had to say about Trump having the right to share sensitive information with the group of Russian visitors, they should not, and could not, be trusted, especially since the meeting took place at the request of Vladimir Putin.
The information in question that was shared with the Russian visitors, including the Russian press, was about ISIS, as Trump bragged about the great intel that he gets on a daily basis. He included specific details.
In the memo, former FBI Director James Comey shed more light on what led to his termination, and it is scandalous (and Comey is planning to testify under oath to the details) . Comey said that Donald Trump requested that he stop the federal investigation into former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who has since been fired, as he had become toxic to the administration.
“I hope you can let this go, ” said the preference in reference to the Flynn investigation.
And this is not sour grapes, as Comey wrote the memo back in February after coming out of the meeting, and he shared it with other senior FBI officials at that time and intentionally created a paper trail. The meeting took place the day after Flynn’s “resignation, ” and President Trump seemed to see no reason that the Flynn situation needed to be made public now that he had left the administration.
“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”
President Trump allegedly insisted to Comey that Flynn had done nothing wrong, and Comey should take his word for it. The White House denies that the conversation ever took place, and that President Trump ever asked Comey to end the investigation. The White House statement suggests that Comey is lying.
“While the president has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the president has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn. The president has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.”
National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster pauses during a briefing at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, May 16,2017. President Donald Trump claimed the authority to share “facts pertaining to terrorism” and airline safety with Russia, saying in a pair of tweets he has “an absolute right” as president to do so. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) • #trump #nsa #nsc #america #usa #mcmaster #whitehouse
A post shared by The Virginian-Pilot (@virginianpilot) on May 16,2017 at 12: 38pm PDT
But the accuracy of such White House statements is being questioned, considering that the White House put out a statement last week after the Comey termination that was not only incorrect, but was also refuted by President Trump in the Holt interview.

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