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Environment minister says Canada committed to addressing climate change with or without U. S


‘Citizens want a planet that’s livable’: Canada is to cohost with China and the EU a meeting of environment ministers to advance action on the Paris agreement
Canada is poised to play a leading role in pushing the terms of the Paris climate agreement forward following the United States’ exit, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna says.
Last week, President Donald Trump announced the American withdrawal from COP21, the UN climate change agreement negotiated in Paris a little more than a year ago, saying he would seek to renegotiate its terms or enter a “really entirely new transaction.”
“The president has said he wants to get out of Paris or renegotiate it, ” McKenna said. “You can’ t renegotiate the Paris agreement since it’s already in force and there isn’ t the will to do it.”
The minister restated the government’s intent “to make sure we continue making progress internationally as it’s clear we won’ t have the leadership of the U. S administration.”
Though, McKenna says, “we’ ll continue making that case to the United States, ” thus far, Canada hasn’ t had much luck.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland told CTV that Canada had “been very active” in making the case for the deal, but “clearly that message didn’ t resonate.” In the immediate aftermath of the pull-out, McKenna said, in a statement, “they didn’ t take that advice and I’ m actually just not clear about what the U. S. position is.”
Should Trump prove unswayable, McKenna is hopeful the federal “administration isn’ t the whole of the United States.” The minister said she was encouraged to see municipal and state governors, such as California, as well as other signatory states like China and various states across Europe, reaffirming their commitment to the accord.
“The good news is everyone is stepping up, ” McKenna said.
Canada hopes to push efforts further, McKenna said, in step with remaining COP21 participants. “Canada will be cohosting, with China and the European Union, a meeting of environment ministers, here in Canada, in September to advance action on the Paris agreement, ” McKenna said. The minister said, Trump aside, a significant portion of businesses, civil society groups and governments want “to be sure they’ re on track for a low-carbon world.”
The minister expects more to come on board. “Countries are going to take action because it’s in their own interests. Citizens want a planet that’s livable, ” McKenna said.
Erik Solheim, head of the United Nations Environment Program, says most “want to move ahead, whatever happens in the White House. China, Europe and Canada must take the lead. I’ m absolutely confident Trudeau and his team can do that… The majority of Americans want to do something about climate change. They key is to provide leadership and show that this can be done and that will speak loudly to the United States and they will follow, for sure.”

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