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Japan is scouring world for references to ‘East Sea’ to wipe the name off maps


The Japanese Foreign Ministry is making a similar bid for a pair of rocky islets
The Japanese government is calling on its citizens abroad to contact its diplomatic missions if they find a map showing the Sea of Japan inscribed as the East Sea, the name used by South Korea for the body of water lying between the two countries. The move, coming amid a dispute between Tokyo and Seoul over the area’s name, is aimed at having publishers of such maps “correct” the labelling to Japan’s preference. But it remains unclear whether any publisher would comply with such a request and the government is likely to find it hard to sell its case. The Japanese Foreign Ministry is making a similar bid for Takeshima, a pair of rocky islets in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) controlled by South Korea. Seoul calls them Dokdo. South Korea is actively seeking to have the names East Sea and Dokdo internationally accepted.

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