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North Korea already has capability to strike the USA with an EMP weapon, warn analysts


Over the Fourth of July holiday, North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un ordered the test-firing of a newly upgraded missile that Western analysts assessed as capable of intercontinental travel. The ICBM, called the Hwasong-14, or KN-14, flew on a trajectory that U…
(Natural News)
Over the Fourth of July holiday, North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un ordered the test-firing of a newly upgraded missile that Western analysts assessed as capable of intercontinental travel. The ICBM, called the Hwasong-14, or KN-14, flew on a trajectory that U. S. defense experts believe could put Alaska or parts of the West Coast within range.
That means Pyongyang is closer to developing the capability to detonate a nuclear device over the U. S., creating an electromagnetic pulse [EMP] event that could wipe out large portions of the power grid, financial system, and critical infrastructure that controls dams, water treatment facilities and nuclear plants.
It’s not as if all of this has occurred in a vacuum. As Dr. Peter V. Pry, chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission who served in the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA, noted in a March column  along with former ambassador and CIA Director James Woolsey, such a weapon, if it were detonated over the U. S. directly, would eventually kill 90 percent of us.
The mainstream media, and some officials who should know better, continue to allege North Korea does not yet have capability to deliver on its repeated threats to strike the U. S. with nuclear weapons. False reassurance is given to the American people that North Korea has not “demonstrated” that it can miniaturize a nuclear warhead small enough for missile delivery, or build a reentry vehicle for an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of penetrating the atmosphere to blast a U. S.

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