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Slick young gun at Trump's side


Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, is one of President Donald Trump’s slickest defenders – but not someone known for his press relations skills.
Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, is one of President Donald Trump’s slickest defenders – but not someone known for his press relations skills.
Within days the New Yorker (52) won his first major victory, seeing off Reince Priebus, the White House chief of staff who opposed his appointment in the first place.
There is reportedly little love lost between Mr Scaramucci and Steve Bannon, Mr Trump’s chief strategist, who is likely to be looking over his shoulder.
Mr Scaramucci made a name for himself as a financier, working first for Goldman Sachs and then launching his own wealth management firm.
In 2005 he started SkyBridge Capital, the global alternative investment firm which was to make his multi-million dollar fortune.
Mr Scaramucci began appearing on television as a pundit, hosting his own show, Wall Street Week.
In 2008, Mr Scaramucci was a fundraiser for future president Barack Obama and the Democrats.
The two men were Harvard Law School classmates who played basketball together. He once said that Mr Obama had “the best smile in American politics since Jack Kennedy”.
But between the 2008 and 2012 elections, he became critical of Mr Obama’s Wall Street policies.
By 2012, he joined Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s finance team.
He was also a fundraiser for Mr Trump during the 2016 election, and became one of Mr Trump’s most strident defenders.
In January he was reportedly in talks for a White House role, in the Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs.
That never materialised, amid concerns about his business dealings – he sold his business to a Chinese consortium.
Former Ideagen CEO George Sifakis got the job instead, and Mr Scaramucci was open about his disappointment.
But, with Sean Spicer evidently struggling, Mr Scaramucci seized his moment. On July 21 he was appointed communications director, taking over from Mike Dubke, who resigned in May.
Mr Spicer immediately handed in his notice.
On his first day, Mr Scaramucci set out to win over the press and set a positive, upbeat tone.
He insisted there was no animosity between him, Mr Spicer and the two men in the White House who vehemently opposed his appointment – Priebus and Bannon.
“Sean is a true American patriot, ” he said.
“This is obviously a difficult situation but I wish him well and I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money.
“Reince and I have been personal friends for six years. We are a little bit like brothers – we rough each other up every once in a while. Which is totally normal for brothers.
“But he’s a dear friend. We have spent many times together personally. What I want you guys to know is that he was my first call this morning. But we are committed as true professionals as a team to the process, and getting the message out.”
NBC News reported that Mr Bannon said Mr Scaramucci would get the job “over my dead body”.
But Mr Scaramucci told the press how he and Mr Bannon are both former employees of Goldman Sachs – although they did not work there at the same time – and how he respected the controversial former Breitbart chief.
“Steve is one of the smartest people I know, ” he said. “Steve has a strong personality, I have a strong personality.
“I want to keep my head in the game, keep my ego low, and work with Steve Bannon – I have a huge amount of respect for him.”
His attempts to clear the air unravelled spectacularly when he vented his frustration, using colourful language, to reporter Ryan Lizza, who revealed the exchange in full.
Mr Scaramucci said he had first met Mr Trump, a fellow New Yorker, when he was 31, and had grown to increasingly admire him.
The smooth-talking financier made multiple sporting analogies which would please his new boss – referring to Mr Trump as a competitive sportsman, relishing the challenge.
“I love the president, ” he said repeatedly, adding at one point that Mr Trump “has really good karma”.
“He is a very effective communicator. I think he has had a very effective use of reaching the American public directly. What I have found, when I travel around the country, is that people love him.”
Mr Scaramucci was not always such a supporter. He initially supported Scott Walker, and then Jeb Bush.
In 2015 he told Fox Business that Mr Trump, as a candidate, was “another hack politician”.
He further dismissed Mr Trump as someone who would become president of “the Queens County Bully Association” – a reference to his New York City roots.
“You are an inherited-money dude from Queens County – bring it, ” said Mr Scaramucci.
But by the time he reached the White House podium, he changed his tune. He said the president reminds him of those remarks on a daily basis.
“One of the biggest mistakes I made, ” he said, laughing. “He brings it up every time. I personally apologise, for the 50th time, for saying it.”

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