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Trump and Putin face off at G-20 summit Video


The highly-anticipated, first post-election meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin came at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. ABC News provides analysis on what the meeting may mean for the Trump administration.
Transcript for Trump and Putin face off at G-20 summit
And there you have victory of the most highly anticipated minutes. Of the foreign policy meeting right there president town meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin for the very first time face to face. Since taking office but in a break down. What could happen in that first meeting and a half behind closed doors right now recline ABC’s political director joins me in Washington. DC or break it was brief but spectacular about three minutes or so handshake a few polite comments and then off to the meeting. And a lack of eye contact on the so we will shall we work on our scalp faces for this Fella up. I feel like we need to dissect that if I if you looked to me that president troubles looking at president food and President Putin was not returning McGee’s. I thought an interest in quote with president I’m saying it’s an honor to be with the utes president wouldn’t. Not a lot of details not a lot of meat on the bones but man is this an interesting relationship and on the it feels like the kind of relationship that could define a presidency. We know it president trump has said. About blogger put in the past we know how important Russia is almost every aspect of the trump agenda both at home and abroad. And this meeting is an absolutely fascinating piece of theater to go along with it. So let’s pick apart a little bit will be did here in those brief moments there they’re speaking off the cuff. But there’s all the optimism that there’s some hope from both those leaders president trump saying as you mentioned he’s honored to be there is looking forward to working together to working up things that are good for both. Americans and the Russians President Putin saying that he’s delighted to be there they talk on the phone before looking forward to the conversations. What do we know about what is going to happen in this meeting with coming up now. So intriguingly. The White House says that there is no agenda for the discussion that’s about to take place I fine article I can’t imagine going in. That line I think it’s more recognition that president trump is likely to go off script. From the Russian perspective we know Mort more detail agenda of what they’re doing and there’s also a desire to return the relationship to portable normalcy from their point of view a wave from the heat away from the Adams the Unionists of American Media coverage of this and eight from the White House perspective they want this meeting frankly to be pretty boring and so does President Putin. Be they wild card as always is president trop and does he take it in an unexpected direction as he has in previous meetings. This would not seem to be for it to do something kind of out there and while like he did with his meeting with the Russian ambassador in Russian foreign minister in the Oval Office at six weeks ago or so. But you never know with him. And in the big question domestically is does president trump bring up. The accusations of Russian meddling in the election he’s not a so skeptical this yesterday about the veracity of those allegations it’s hardly be brings up. But it’s also aren’t winning doesn’t bring it up given how much of a big political issue this is back. Hall has a lot of what you just mentioned let’s break down a little bit with a big picture. Take on this first look. People talk about what this means for both countries’ right to the extent that these. Short meetings really matter in terms of how relationships are formed how foreign policy is formed. In this kind of a win when you look at it for president who then if there are no concrete steps no agreements coming out of you can bet while. You know president trump is even if active I can’t work for them he’s got too many domestic problems. Back home if they duke it out with some kind of concrete steps food and can still claim victory if they hay and normalize the relationship it’s back to business as usual. With the US so what about the U lack. What is a win for president trop. I think President Putin has already won I think president trump can spin out a win if they he looks strong in this meeting. Most importantly though is to get something out of the Russians. The issues that they’re talking about are very big in and there are even bigger. Could we talk about the meddling in the election and how important it is cyber security in the potential for them to do it again in 2018 and 20/20. Very real very possible very much on the table. You also realize that Russia holds the keys to Syria that things were against United States’ interest in Syria also has tremendous influence on China which is important for North Korea so. He’s being hot issues right now. Russia has outsize. Importance given its relatively small size and ultimately small economies days they hold the keys to Sony’s issues and then you get into the broader issues around international trade. Rounds or else buying. This only areas you need American and Russian cooperation. I think it’s interesting to hear although optimism at the start of this relationship. Clearly that the relationship between the United States and Russia sour quite a bit under the Obama years for a variety of reasons the Russians blame Obama will win the Russians in the camps the medal. That things got very tense very late in the Obama years to their starting any new direction but frankly tonight I’m what’s the other is interesting about that on the most American politicians don’t agree with bell most national politicians do not think Russia can be a productive ally. In the meter struggles of that day and you’ve seen that exerted that pressure exerted in the United States congress. And it user it scenes are at their diplomats even some in the top administration people serving as president what a much different view of Russia so how far. President trump plans to take that relationship and a different direction he’s going to be have some limitations back. You mentioned some of those big important topics are going to be covering in there obviously the sanctions Syria. Ukraine we don’t know if election hacking will come up are not that Tommy little bit of what we know. About how these two men prepared. For today obviously who has a reputation for being Amy stimulus prepare right he’s known to engage in psychological warfare to some degree when he goes into the meeting. President Clinton admitted he really it like the kind of take things by instinct and to be better during the election campaign. Worked in his favor can it do so here to. That’s a 100% right I mean is similar is these two men are. And I think of them as similar in terms of being powerful man who. Kind of Foster a certain image in the public in understand the power imagery. In in creating that be the image of them as leader leaders. They are much different behind the scenes Wootton is a very disciplined man. We know the famous stories of him manipulating other world leaders with body language he once brought the dog to a meeting with novel of Merkel the German chancellor knowing that she was afraid of dogs. Knowing democratic get in her head at the beginning of a meeting. President trump is known as a guy likes the way it is done it through his business dealings we were told he didn’t go in with an agenda he also. I didn’t have a specific briefing book just for this meeting with whom the White House trying to downplay both the preparations and the expectations of this meeting. It is almost exactly the opposite on the Russian side. I and hoot and benefits from the perception of this. And in the fact that the presidential office in new witness wooten has been doing this remember for 1718 years. It’s big three previous US presidents that he’s had meetings like this wit and they’ve gone very well and very poorly at times they’ve been all over the map and who knows that and he is in a lot of ways at the height of his power in part because of the way this American relationship. As been perceived as I said because he benefited so much in one so much already before this meeting gives him more flexibility. In this initial meeting with president Tom. Let’s bring in our colleague Martha Raddatz ABC’s chief global affairs correspondent down in DC Martha thanks for being here. This is a fraught relationship at bats going into this meeting what’s the way forward had a need to move forward when it comes US Russian relations. Went well I think it in its first meeting in the so much attention on its first meeting and it’s so important. But in many ways he is just to establish. A relationship to establish how they do go forward. I’m sure they both want to talk tough I’m sure they’ve both won it. Get to their grievances. But it’s also very important just how they get along we saw that handshake which pat O’Neill we saw. Aren’t we saw that greeting they both looked very relaxed so it. It it in body language only. I suppose it’s a good start. That’s the good start indeed that let me ask you about who is in that room. Begin this small group I don’t know that’s usual are not becoming a little bit about who we know. We’ll be in this very important meeting and how that could affect the talks and actually happened behind closed doors. Was secretary of state Tillerson is in that meeting and a lot for obvious in that meeting the foreign minister. And you have to translator so it’s a very small group I have no doubt. That president trumps aides have tried to get him to stick to some talking points to try to get in to stick to the subject. There will be a back and forth however they said this meeting was 35 minutes. You have to remember you’ve got translation. In all of that so there will be sat back and forth.

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