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US is the real trade protectionist, and we will 'highly likely' win any legal dispute, China media says


China should sue the U. S. for trade protectionism if President Donald Trump orders an investigation into China’s intellectual property practices, Chinese state media said in an unsigned editorial on Monday.
China should sue the U. S. for trade protectionism if President Donald Trump orders an investigation into China’s intellectual property practices, Chinese state media said in an unsigned editorial on Sunday.
Trump is expected to issue the so-called Section 301 investigation under the 1974 Trade Act later on Monday to investigate Chinese trade practices that force U. S. firms operating in China to turn over intellectual property, multiple outlets reported.
China will retaliate in such a case, said the Communist Party-linked Global Times, which is known for its nationalist slant.
” The Trump administration should have second thoughts about putting pressure on China on trade and avoid a full-blown trade war, ” said the newspaper, adding that the Beijing “should make use of the WTO mechanism to sue the U.

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