Sadiq Khan said Dara Khosrowshahi’s recent apology for Uber’s performance in the U. K. capital struck the right tone.
The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has said the “humility” shown by Uber’s new boss to a potential loss of operating rights in the U. K. capital shows that the correct decision was made by local transport authorities.
Uber cannot presently renew its license to operate in London after Transport for London (TFL) said the firm was unfit to run a taxi service .
Khan, the center-left London mayor, is not directly responsible for the decision but said Thursday he stood by TFL’s decision.
“What gives me confidence about the TFL decision is the fact that the global chief executive officer for Uber apologized to London and met some of the drivers when he came to London,” Khan told LBC radio. “I think that bodes well in relation to the humility which hasn’t been shown by Uber London or Uber UK.”
Khan said he did not meet with new Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi when he visited London as he felt it was inappropriate.
“I’m not the decision maker. I’m the mayor who chairs the TFL board but I did ask the TFL commissioner to make time to meet the global CEO.
“I think his message, his apology was important. The tone of his apology was important. And I think is important for the decision-makers to meet with him to hear him out. And they met this week and I understand from the readout that I’ve heard that it was a constructive meeting.”
Khan said Khosrowshahi had now gone away to do some further work in order to address TFL concerns about Uber operations.
Uber is allowed to operate in London while the appeal against TFL’s decision is ongoing.