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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta: Will Progress Carry Over?


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The Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta has kicked off for many players and with it comes the return of formula we all know and love. Battlefront 2 reintroduces classes to the series which means you no longer have to play like a lone wolf. Players will instead have designated roles on a team which will certainly help encourage more teamwork in this installment.
The multiplayer beta gives us our first chance at playing these new classes as well as getting to experience the revamped gameplay from the first installment. The beta gives us a good look at some of the different modes being included in the final game as well as a glimpse at some of the heroes that will be joining the roster. If you were an avid player of the first Battlefront, you may find a lot of differences this time around.
While you do make progress toward increasing your rank in the beta, as well as leveling up the individual classes, you may be a little sad to hear that this progress will not carry over to the main game. EA and DICE want all players to start on a level playing regardless of whether they’ve played the beta or not. Here’s what they had to say in their FAQ about the beta.
Does my progress in the Beta carry over to the main game?
No, it doesn’t. We want everyone to start on a level playing field at launch, whether they have been able to take part in the Beta or not, so we’re resetting all progress after the Beta.
Well, there you have it. Fortunately, those who participate in the beta do get an added bonus as a thank you from the development team. Every player that participates in the beta will receive a specially curated “Founders Crate” that will be carried into launch, filled with items, including credits, an exclusive emote for Darth Maul, and a rare trooper Star Card to get a head start in battle. Those who pre-order the game will also get an exclusive Rey skin.
The Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta will run until October 9 at 4 p.m. UTC or 12 p.m. ET and 9 a.m. PT. The official release date of the game is November 17 for Xbox One, PS4 and Origin on PC. For bonus goodies, you can opt for the Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition which will help get you a head start on the competition on November 14.
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