Home United States USA — Events Monday’s Mini-Report, 11.6.17

Monday’s Mini-Report, 11.6.17


Today’s edition of quick hits.
Today’s edition of quick hits:
* A familiar dynamic: “Democratic lawmakers are renewing their calls for gun control, following the largest mass shooting in Texas history, as Republicans, including President Donald Trump and local lawmakers, insisted firearms are not the problem.”
* Saudi Arabia: “The Saudi leadership shake-up and wave of arrests over the weekend have rattled potential investors in the kingdom’s ambitious modernization drive to create a new city, diversify the economy and sell off a slice of the state-owned Saudi Aramco oil company.”
* In related news: “Saudi Arabia charged Monday that Iran had committed ‘a blatant act of military aggression’ by providing its Yemeni allies with a missile fired at the Saudi capital over the weekend, raising the threat of a direct military clash between the two regional heavyweights.”
* Trump-Russia scandal: “Kremlin-backed support for Donald Trump’s candidacy over social media began much earlier than previously known, a new analysis of Twitter data shows.”
* It’s called sabotage: “In preparation for the Affordable Care Act’s latest enrollment season, the Trump administration sent notices about the sign-up options to millions fewer Americans than in past years and deleted themes known to be most effective in motivating consumers to sign up.”
* Welcome back: “Rep. Frederica Wilson received a warm welcome at the Capitol Wednesday, her first time back since death threats kept her home in Florida last week amid a feud with President Donald Trump.”
* Sometimes, a headline can say quite a bit: “Pat Robertson blames antidepressants for Texas church massacre.”
* This outcome seems tough to defend: “It was the middle-finger salute seen around the world. Juli Briskman’s protest aimed at the presidential motorcade that roared past her while she was on her cycling path in Northern Virginia last month became an instantly viral photo. Turns out it has now cost the 50-year-old marketing executive her job.”
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.

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