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US calls Venezuela a global threat at a meeting some boycott


U. S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called Venezuela “an increasingly violent narco-state” that threatens the world, speaking Monday at an informal Security Council meeting on the South American nation that was boycotted by Russia, China, Egypt and Bolivia.
UNITED NATIONS — U. S. Ambassador Nikki Haley called Venezuela “an increasingly violent narco-state” that threatens the world, speaking Monday at an informal Security Council meeting on the South American nation that was boycotted by Russia, China, Egypt and Bolivia.
She accused Venezuela of using pressure to keep council members from attending, saying the fact that its government would go so far “is guilt — and that’s unfortunate.”
Venezuela’s U. N. ambassador, Rafael Ramirez, denounced the session, telling reporters: “This is a hostile act from the United States and an interference that violates the sovereignty principles of a country that is a member of the United Nations.”
The situation in Venezuela is not on the Security Council’s official agenda — a point stressed by Ramirez and Bolivia’s U. N. ambassador — but Haley said she will continue “to use the convening power of the United Nations to draw attention to this crisis.”
The informal meeting sharply divided the 15 members on the U. N.’s most powerful body. In addition to the four countries that boycotted, diplomats noted that Ethiopia and Uruguay indicated the meeting shouldn’t have been held and Senegal didn’t speak.
The United States and Italy organized the meeting, saying in a note circulated to council members that they would hear first-hand accounts of the deteriorating political, economic and social situation in oil-rich Venezuela and the humanitarian impact on the region. They said it would also provide a chance to discuss the role the international community can play in seeking political solutions and humanitarian access.

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