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Australian MP quits over China connections


An Australian MP was forced to quit over revelations he adopted pro-China positions after accepting donations from a wealthy Chinese property developer with links to China’s Communist Party.
A n Australian MP was forced to quit over revelations he adopted pro-China positions after accepting donations from a wealthy Chinese property developer with links to China’s Communist Party.
Sam Dastyari, a powerbroker in the opposition Labor party, came under pressure after it emerged he warned Huang Xiangmo, a billionaire donor, that his phone was being bugged by Australian intelligence officials.
Mr Dastyari was also accused of urging Tanya Plibersek, a Labor MP, not to meet with a pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong.
Announcing his resignation, Mr Dastyari said he was concerned that the scandal was causing damage to the Labor party.
“Today, after much reflection, I’ve decided that the best service I can render to the federal parliamentary Labor Party is to not return to the Senate in 2018,” he said.
“I’ve been guided by my Labor values, which tell me that I should leave if my ongoing presence detracts from the pursuit of Labor’s mission.”
T he resignation followed the emergence of a recording last month of Mr Dastyari  adopting a pro-China stance on the tensions in the South China Sea at a press conference for Chinese community media.

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