Home United States USA — Political President Trump, what we'd like to hear you say in Davos

President Trump, what we'd like to hear you say in Davos


‘Now that I’m governing instead of just campaigning, I’ve come to realize that protectionism is a double-edged sword’: Our view
President Trump is expected to take his America First message on economics and trade to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday. Here is the speech we would like to him to deliver:
“Thank you very much. It’s nice to be here in Davos among you global elitists — and I’m not just talking about the Wall Street millionaires in my own Cabinet who came along with me!
Even though you never gave me my due before I became leader of the free world, you have, by inviting me now, seen the error of your ways. And I’ve enjoyed the many conversations I have had since arriving. I’m sorry that Melania couldn’t make it. Things back home have been a little stormy, if you catch my drift.
But, in all seriousness, after a historic election victory and a truly groundbreaking tax reform, my administration is looking for even more ways to make America great. We will succeed.
OPPOSING VIEW: Trade predators destroy U. S. jobs
I am determined to look out for the working man and working woman in my country who are in danger of losing a job to unfair competition from foreign competitors. For too long these people have been forgotten — by the likes of you and the likes of my predecessors in Washington’s corridors of power.
But I come here not to lecture you on the evils of trade, but to let you in on my findings in fighting for the little guy and little gal. Now that I’m governing, instead of just campaigning, I’ve come to realize that protectionism is a double-edged sword.
The simple truth is, if I terminate NAFTA, it will do considerably more harm than good for working Americans. The United States currently has a modest trade surplus with Canada and a larger deficit with Mexico. But I’ve seen that some of America’s best companies, large and small, ranging from farmers to manufacturers, are reliant on exports. Cancelling NAFTA, while it might be satisfying on some level, would punish their success. It would also force Americans to pay a lot more for the items we import from our North American neighbors.
Similarly, I’ve been rethinking my opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade pact negotiated by my predecessors that I took the United States out of as soon as I took office. Like many lawmakers in both major political parties, I am convinced that Asian countries are taking advantage of the United States.
But the TPP is really less about trade in manufactured goods than it is about promoting Western-style free enterprise, transparent government and the rule of law. Without it, China will push its own version of economic order, which involves government leaders exerting a heavy hand over commerce.
The fact that the 11 other nations, including Canada, are going forward with the TPP, even without the enhanced access to American markets that was to be its sweetener, shows how the deal’s benefits outweigh its costs.
I’m also reconsidering my threats to slap big tariffs on a variety of products coming into the USA, the way I did this week on solar parts and washing machines. Such tariffs raise prices for American consumers and touch off retaliation. Trade wars benefit no one.
This is not to say that I am going to become a total free-trader, or that I will join you every year as you find new ways to benefit the elite at the expense of ordinary folk. But I will, from this point forward, push trade policies that generate jobs, not just headlines. Believe me.”
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