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What Is Trump's State Of The Union Theme? He Might Strike A Different Tone


Tuesday night will mark the President Donald Trump’s first official State of the Union address, and predictably, it’s generating a lot of conversation and speculation. For instance, after such a tumultuous year one for the president, you might find y…
Tuesday night will mark the President Donald Trump’s first official State of the Union address, and predictably, it’s generating a lot of conversation and speculation. For instance, after such a tumultuous year one for the president, you might find yourself wondering: what is Trump’s State of the Union theme going to be? Will he have a unified message, or will it be one of his more tream of consciousness-style performances?
The answer, from the sounds of things, might be bipartisanship. According to ABC News, a White House source claims the speech ― which will be delivered to a joint session of Congress, and nationally televised ― will focus on being “unifying” and “forward-looking.”
If true, that would be a marked departure from the bulk of Trump’s past rhetoric. Throughout the first year of his presidency, he’s shown a willingness to engage in inflammatory and aggressively divisive rhetoric on a number of issues, most recently on immigration. Recent polling suggests that Trump is seen as divisive by a majority of Americans, as well, which could help explain why he’d want to take a different tone on Tuesday night. Whether that plan ends up coming to fruition, however, won’t be clear until it happens.
More to come… .

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