We think we’ve just found NRA chief Wayne LaPierre’s favorite episode of “All in the Family”: Watch Archie Bunker give the “more guns” speech back in 1972
We think we’ve just found NRA chief Wayne LaPierre’s favorite episode of “All in the Family.”
Way back in 1972, Normal Lear’s patriarchal masterpiece Archie Bunker (Carroll O’Connor) provided a televised editorial rebuttal for the ages. Speaking on behalf of group Guns For Everybody, Bunker was convinced that he had the secret to stopping gunmen from hijacking airplanes — a problem of the time that seems almost quaint by today’s standards. You probably know where we’re going with this.
“All you gotta do is arm all your passengers,” Bunker said. “And then your airlines, then they wouldn’t have to search the passengers on the ground no more, they just pass out the pistols at the beginning of the trip, and they pick ‘em up again at the end. Case closed.” Now where have we heard the “more guns” argument before? The more things change…