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Hilarious, thought provoking and ruthless tweets on Mark Zuckerberg and Cambridge Analytica scandal


Twitteratis have not gotten over the latest privacy breach debacle read more
Twitteratis have not gotten over the latest privacy breach debacle around Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. They continue to share their personal feelings or rants or privacy concerns around Facebook. Interestingly, most of the users ranting about privacy and #deleteFacebook are not taking severe action of leaving Facebook.
Here are some funny, thought-provoking and ruthless tweets on the whole controversy:
Zuckerberg: We want your trust back, and based on the self-defeating pattern of behavior we’ve identified with your ex, we feel like it won’t be that hard to get.
Want to freak yourself out? I’m gonna show just how much of your information the likes of Facebook and Google store about you without you even realising it
Mark Zuckerberg has the right to your firstborn male child. You agreed to this when you played FarmVille in 2009.
i had a dream that the world was ending and mark Zuckerberg owned a ship that was taking evryone off earth and everyone was queuing up and he was like ‘do u have a Facebook account’ and i was like ‘umm no’ and he was like ‘thats so mark zuckerBAD’ then he left me on earth to die
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