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Best Horror Movies Of 2018: ‘The Cleanse’ Is The Horror-Comedy The Genre’s Been Missing


When a lonely man goes on a retreat and partakes in a cleanse, more comes out of his body than he expected. Johnny Galecki portrays…
When a lonely man goes on a retreat and partakes in a cleanse, more comes out of his body than he expected.
Johnny Galecki portrays Paul, a heartbroken man who feels lost. After seeing a commercial for a program, he decides to go on a spiritual retreat. Paul joins the small group and takes interest in a fellow lost soul, Maggie (Anna Friel). Anjelica Huston and Oliver Platt portray the leaders of the retreat, Lily and Ken. The eccentric Lily instructs the group to consume a four-drink cleanse within one day. They’re told that it will help them rid their bodies of toxins, and as seen in the trailer below, that’s an understatement.
Hey twitter! Remember when I tweeted the trailer to my new movie THE CLEANSE out May 4th?! Well, guess what: that link got deleted. This one works though. So, share this bad boy! https://t.co/UelCgNubPJ #TheCleanseMovie
— Bobby Miller (@BobbyMiller) April 4,2018
Galecki and Friel have delightful on-screen chemistry together, and their repartee is sharp. The way the pair reacts to their odd situation provides some laugh-out-loud moments. It’s very entertaining watching Paul and Maggie decide what to do with their new…pets?
Get your tickets for #TheCleanseMovie at these participating theaters TOMORROW! Also available on digital and VOD. pic.twitter.com/owo0TsWJnl
— The Cleanse (@TheCleanseFilm) May 3,2018
Before you get better, it’s going to get a lot worse. Don’t miss #TheCleanseMovie in select theaters, digital and VOD May 4. pic.twitter.com/Sgp7TyQz9Z
— The Cleanse (@TheCleanseFilm) April 30,2018

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