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Trump shrugs off news of secret nuclear facility, pretends he prevented war with North Korea


His own intelligence team says Kim Jong Un has no intention of denuclearizing.
Despite Donald Trump’s claims that Kim Jong Un would denuclearize, his own Defense Intelligence Agency reportedly believes that North Korea has no intention of ending its nuclear program.
Still, days after U. S. intelligence officials said North Korea has actually increased its production at secret nuclear facilities, Trump tried to take credit on Tuesday for single-handedly preventing war with the country. “If not for me,” he tweeted, “we would now be at War [sic] with North Korea!”
Let’s review.
After promising as a candidate that he would be happy to talk to the North Korean dictator and would “absolutely” try to talk some sense into Kim Jong-un, President Trump began his outreach to him with a series of insulting tweets.
“Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?” Trump asked in one.
In August 2017, Trump  promised “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if North Korea continued to threaten the USA.

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