Qualcomm has announced a new Snapdragon processor, meant to power the next generation of mid-range devices. The Snapdragon 670 offers up many features and improvements over its predecessor.
We’ve been hearing a lot of news about a Snapdragon 855 processor that is expected to arrive in top-end devices slated for next year, but it looks like Qualcomm isn’t quite ready yet to announce its new flagship SoC. Instead, it has announced the Snapdragon 670 Mobile Platform as the latest to join its line of Snapdragon processors.
The addition of the Snapdragon 670 processor should ensure that future mid-range devices offer plenty of power and features. The SoC has “highly integrated architectures, including the Qualcomm Kryo CPU, Qualcomm Spectra ISP, Qualcomm AI Engine, and Snapdragon X12 LTE modem”. Furthermore, the new SoC will “support leading artificial intelligence (AI), camera, and multimedia applications”.
Despite it being a mid-tier processor, Qualcomm has made sure that it will be able to perform great when it comes to AI by implementing the Qualcomm Hexagon 685 digital signal processing (DSP). This is the same DSP that is used in its higher-end processors. There is also a third-generation AI Engine on board, that will deliver improved AI performance when compared to its predecessor.
The Snapdragon 670 is also the first 600-series processor that will feature the Spectra 250 ISP (image signal processor). It is used to improve the quality of the camera, offering up technologies like “noise reduction, image stabilization, and active depth sensing”. The SoC will also offer the improved ability to record 4K video, which will require 30 percent less power than its predecessor. As far as camera module support, the Spectra 250 ISP will be capable of one 25MP sensor in a single camera configuration, and 16MP sensors for a dual camera setup.
Last, but certainly not least, the new SoC is capable of providing excellent LTE speeds utilizing the X12 LTE Modem, with support for download speeds of up to 600Mbps and upload speeds of up to 150Mbps. At the moment, there aren’t any new devices that have been announced with the Snapdragon 670, but you can be sure to expect something in the near future.
Source: Qualcomm