Home United States USA — Political Brett Kavanaugh vs. Blasey Ford: Governance versus mob rule in action

Brett Kavanaugh vs. Blasey Ford: Governance versus mob rule in action


Governance vs Democrat mob rule has been on display during the Kavanaugh vs Ford hearings. And the process has been shamefull. And un-American.
WASHINGTON: Covering the FBI report following their investigation of the Christine Blasey Ford accusations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, GOP strategist, and pundit Lisa Boothe says (Fox News “Outnumbered”): “let’s move forward and put this shameful episode behind us,” or words to that effect.
However, that is the last thing we should do.
Not to delay Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, but to question what the Senate and the United States has become.
Moreover, how we have become what we are. It has become a clash between politics and culture. Governance and mob rule. The crucifixion of one at the beheast of the many.
Culture is the #MeToo movement, Antifa, and anti-Trump resistance who feels they can scream until the rules of governance change to their whim. Governance is officials working within the framework of the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government.
Unfortunately, those elected by the American populace whose charge is to work together to ensure the best government for the people and by the people have chosen to work for their party and their personal enrichment.
We have long surpassed the day when our Senators can cross the aisle.
This important founding document says:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes (emphasis added).
In these great United States, we assume those certain unalienable rights. Rights that too many are sacrosanct. Unfortunately, in a quest for power, the Democrats led by Schumer, Booker, Harris, and Feinstein have led a charge to destroy one of our most basic rights. Instead, as their Senate Judiciary Committee position dictates, offering advice and consent to the Senate on a Judicial Nominee, the Democrats jumped the tracks, taking the Committee on a search and destroy mission.
The questions every American should ask is:
After eight years of President Obama, the Majority of Federal Circuit Courts lean decidedly toward the left. If you find yourself in those courts, as a conservative, you will lose.
Democrat lawmakers were quick to charge, condemn and sentence Judge Kavanaugh in the Kangaroo Court. If in power, how will that precident affect you?
While the Kavanaugh – Ford confirmation kerfuffle chaos was not in a court of law, Democrats did everything possible to frame the hearing as a moratorium on criminal sexual assault. Meaning that they were holding Judge Kavanaugh to criminal charges and a criminal investigation by the FBI.
Americans – all Americans – should be very concerned over the erosion of one our most fundamental rights. Because when we lose one, then the next will fall. And we move farther from a representative republic to a socialist government.
Had Democrats actually considered the veracity of Ford’s complaints, her letter would have been turned over to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Senator Grassley. The FBI would have begun an investigation before his confirmation hearings began. Had that been done, Ms. Ford’s anonymity would still be in place
America would have avoided the shameful display of the Ford testimony and the Kavanaugh rebuttal.
The right against false accusation and to conduct a vigorous defense when falsely accused. The right to being believed, or condemned, based on facts. No fiction.
When it comes to the allegations by Dr. Ford, there is a word for her utterances, hearsay. The definition of Hearsay is:
Which is an excellent description of the accusations brought against Judge Kavanaugh by Ms. Ford, Ms. Ramirez, and Ms. Swetnik. As well as those senators, Soros-funded activists and pussy hat wearing screamers.
Many of whom were arrested today at the Hart Senate Building.
While the framers created a justice system that is designed to presume innocence until proven guilty. Unfortunately, it is becoming more evident that we, as a body politic, are ignoring that presumption of innocence. Sadly it is being tossed aside to advance a political agenda.
No one did not believe that the Tsarnaev Brothers were responsible for April 15,2013, Boston Marathon Bombings. Following the arrest of Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, The Harvard International Review reported ( Innocent Until Proven Guilty? Why Rights are Important in Every Circumstance – May 2,2013) wrote on the arrest and the concept of presumption of innocence.
When police caught Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a genuine discussion took place about whether to treat him as a citizen (which he is) or as an enemy combatant. Just a day before the attack, an op-ed in the New York Times from a prisoner in Guantanamo Bay called attention to the horrific way the US treats those we have deemed too dangerous to try in court and too much of a risk to release to their home countries. What do these cases have in common? They both underscore the disturbing ability of the US government to pick and choose those to whom it affords rights. (emphasis added))
The United States has a justice system that presumes innocent until proven guilty. What Tsarnaev and the Guantanamo prisoners prove, though, is that we are loath to extend this assumption past the point of absolute necessity. When it comes to enemy combatants or even those to whom we can assign the identity of “other” in some fashion, the government is quick to pull the trigger and presume guilt. (emphasis added).
In the matter of Kavanaugh versus Ford the Democrat political body, and Democrat body politic was quick to erode Judge Kavanaugh’s right to innocence until proven guilty. Many, including Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Corey Booker, Senator Kamila Harris – all of who have had accusations of sexual misconduct levied against them – stated that Judge Kavanaugh, without the benefit of question or investigation, was guilty.
But the fight over Ford has never been about Ford, or her rights or her believability.
Schumer, within minutes of Kavanaugh announcement and long before we heard the name of Christine Blasey Ford Tweeted:
Kamila Harris, whose political rise to Senator follows her dating Willie Brown, Tweets:
Senator Richard Blumenthal, often criticized for taking credit for serving in Vietnam and framing his stories make himself part of the victim class, says about Kavanaugh:
While Schumer and Harris can hide behind politics, Blumenthal’s statement about “hostility to the precious rights and liberties that make our nation great” is vomit inducing.

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