Home United States USA — Science The 81 names targeted in Democrats' expansive Trump probe

The 81 names targeted in Democrats' expansive Trump probe


House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N. Y.) on Monday issued document requests to 81 individuals and entities as part of a sweeping investigation into…
House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N. Y.) on Monday issued document requests to 81 individuals and entities as part of a sweeping investigation into President Trump’s campaign, business and administration.
The investigation will focus on three key areas, Nadler said: obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuses of power.
Here’s a look at each person or group Nadler served with document requests.
1. Alan Garten
Garten serves as the chief legal counsel for the Trump Organization.
2. Alexander Nix
Nix previously served as the head of Cambridge Analytica, a data firm that did work for the Trump campaign and was later embroiled in a Facebook privacy scandal.
3. Allen Weisselberg
Weisselberg is the Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization, and has worked for the Trump family for decades. Michael Cohen’s identified him last week to lawmakers as an individual who was aware of the president’s asset inflation and a scheme to silence women who alleged affairs with Trump.
4. American Media Inc (AMI)
AMI is the publisher of the National Enquirer, and has been accused of engaging in “catch and kill,” a scheme to purchase unflattering stories about Trump and bury them.
5. Anatoli Samochornov
Samochornov was a translator for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at a 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Veselnitskaya had promised Trump associates damaging information on Hillary Clinton ahead of the meeting, but other attendees — including Donald Trump Jr. — said no such information was shared.
6. Andrew Intrater
Intrater is the head of investment firm Columbus Nova, and has ties to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. The New York Times reported that Intrater gave Trump attorney Michael Cohen a $1 million consulting contract in 2017.
7. Annie Donaldson
Donaldson served as chief of staff to former White House counsel Don McGahn, who left the administration last October.
8. Brad Parscale
Parscale worked for the Trump Organization prior to joining the president’s 2016 presidential campaign to oversee digital operations. Parscale is the current campaign manager for the president’s 2020 reelection bid.
9. Brittany Kaiser
Kaiser is a former employee of Cambridge Analytica, and was subpoenaed earlier this year in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
10. Cambridge Analytica
The data firm made headlines last year over a privacy scandal involving millions of users’ Facebook data. The firm did work for the Trump campaign, and has ties to former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
11. Carter Page
Page served as a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, and has faced intense scrutiny over his contacts with Russia. Page is also the subject of a FISA warrant issued against him to wiretap his conversations over concerns raised by his Russian ties. Some House Republicans have claimed the warrant was an overreach of Justice Department surveillance powers, and proof of a bias against Trump within the department.
12. Columbus Nova
Columbus Nova is a private equity firm headed by Andrew Intrater, who is cousins and business associates with Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.
13. Concord Management and Consulting
The Russian consulting firm is one of several groups indicted by Mueller for interfering in the 2016 presidential election, and is accused of helping to fund a Russian troll farm. The company is linked to Russian oligarch Viktorich Prigozhin, who is known as “Putin’s chef” over his proximity to Putin. Concord is the only Russian entity to fight Mueller’s charge in court.
14. Corey Lewandowski
Lewandowski worked as Trump’s campaign manager until his firing in June 2016.
15. David Pecker
Pecker is the chairman of American Media Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer. He reportedly received immunity from prosecutors in the investigation into hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with the president.
16. Department of Justice
Trump has come under scrutiny for his frequent criticism of DOJ officials, including former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who each at one point had oversight for the Russia probe. The president’s firing of Comey sparked the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller.
17. Don McGahn
McGahn worked as the White House counsel until his departure last October. McGahn reportedly sat for hours of interviews with the special counsel’s office, and in one instance persuaded the president not to fire Robert Mueller.
18.Donald J Trump Revocable Trust
The trust holds the president’s business assets, ostensibly so that he avoids conflicts of interest during his presidency. Experts, however, have warned that the trust provides little distance between Trump and his business empire.
19. Donald Trump Jr.
The president’s oldest son is an executive vice president of the Trump Organization, and has drawn scrutiny from investigators over his involvement in and subsequent cover-up of a summer 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information on his father’s then-opponent, Hillary Clinton.
20. Dylan Howard
Howard is the chief content officer for American Media Inc. Cohen testified that Howard would have information on “catch and kill” efforts on stories related to the president.
21. Eric Trump
Eric Trump is the president’s son and an executive vice president of the Trump Organization, largely overseeing the family business during his father’s presidency.
22. Erik Prince
The former Blackwater head caught the eye of investigators over a meeting he reportedly arranged between Donald Trump Jr. and a Gulf emissary in August 2016, the first sign a country other than Russia had sought to influence the presidential election. Prince, whose sister is Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, said last year that he has cooperated fully in the Mueller probe.
23. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Trump has been fiercely critical of former FBI leaders James Comey and Andrew McCabe. The president fired Comey in May 2017, sparking the appointment of the special counsel. The bureau first began investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 election
24. Felix Sater
Felix Sater is the Russian businessman at the heart of negotiations over the attempted Trump Tower Moscow project. Sater worked with former Trump attorney on the real estate project, which never came to fruition. Sater will also appear in a public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee later this month.
25. Flynn Intel Group
The Flynn Intel Group is a now-defunct lobbying organization created by former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The retired general and another partner at the group have since been implicated over illegal lobbying efforts in Turkey.
26. General Services Administration
The federal agency was reprimanded in an internal watchdog report last month stating it failed to properly assess the constitutional ramifications of allowing the Trump family to continue its lease on the old D. C. post office building following the 2016 election.

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