Home United States USA — China Hong Kong Dissidents Say ‘Chinese Agents’ Are Stalking Them

Hong Kong Dissidents Say ‘Chinese Agents’ Are Stalking Them


Several prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy activists said on Monday they have been followed and filmed by mysterious stalkers they believe are Chinese security agents.…
Several prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy activists said on Monday they have been followed and filmed by mysterious stalkers they believe are Chinese security agents.
The surveillance appears to be intensifying as Beijing prepares to impose a draconian new national security law on Hong Kong, bypassing its legislature.
Pro-democracy leader Joshua Wong said he and several of his associates were followed around by four-man plainclothes squads after they had a meeting on Saturday night. When they confronted one of the stalkers and asked if he was working for Chinese or Hong Kong security, he waved an umbrella at them, accused them of trying to rob him, and departed in a taxicab. A suspicious white car that seemed connected with the stalkers chose that moment to drive away as well.
Wong said he has been followed by a “suspicious middle-aged man in a private car” for the past week. When he visited the offices of Demosisto, the advocacy group he leads as general secretary, the man began taking photos of him.
“Maybe this happens all the time in Mainland China, but Hong Kong is supposed to be different. After all, the national security law still hasn’t been passed. So why are activists and councillors being monitored every single day?” Wong asked on Twitter after the incident.
“Political surveillance with a chilling effect, sadly, has become the new reality in Hong Kong. Everyone, please take care. Do not go out alone.

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