Home United States USA — Art Some words from Joe Biden, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim

Some words from Joe Biden, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim


And now, as the sequel to that film classic “Weekend at Bernie’s,” we present “Weekend at Biden’s,” capping this week’s comic capers of the 46th president of the United States.
And now, as the sequel to that film classic “Weekend at Bernie’s,” we present “Weekend at Biden’s,” recapping this week’s comic capers of the 46th president of the United States. All dialogue guaranteed verbatim. First, the inaugural speech. It was hailed by the Democrat operatives with press passes (think Chris Wallace, or as Biden calls him, Chuck Wallace) as the greatest oration since the Gettysburg Address, or maybe the Sermon on the Mount. Who can forget Dementia Joe’s soaring flights of rhetoric: “We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urlan, er rural versus urban.” Before signing the executive order killing the Keystone XL pipeline, which instantly ended at least 11,000 jobs (including thousands in the Laborers Union of his new Labor Secretary Marty “the $6-million man” Walsh, Joe sympathized with the blue collars he was about to cast into unemployment: “I understand they worry about their jobs. I understand like my dad they lay a-bed staring at the night –” Staring at the night? You mean your childhood home had a hole in its roof? I guess things really were rough for young Joe back in the days when he was facing off against Cornpop who was a bad dude. Let’s go straight to the audiotape for some of his greatest hits since he assumed office: “Everybody, everybody is entritled to be teeted with decency and dignity.” “America, America builded of decency it’s built of decency and dignity.

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