Home United States USA — IT Google Explains What's Behind Chrome 89's Big Memory Usage And Efficiency Gains

Google Explains What's Behind Chrome 89's Big Memory Usage And Efficiency Gains


Once again, Google is claiming changes made to Chrome make it less of a memory hog.
Every so often, Google touts improvements it has made to memory management within its popular Chrome browser, which claims the lion’s share of the browser market. This is another one of those times. Following the release of Chrome version 89, Google detailed in a blog post what it has done to make the browser manage memory better than Chrome 88 and earlier builds. This is a popular topic, because a simple web search will bring up all kinds of articles and forum threads on Chrome’s memory usage, and how in some instances it can be a little too resource intensive in that regard. Experiences vary, but this is an issue that has followed Chrome through several builds. As it applies to the newest release on Windows, Google says it is seeing a ” significant memory savings ” in Chrome.

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